Saturday, March 7, 2015

Women Live's and Relationship

Wrongly Convicted: A Christian Women's Journey Through the Valley of Prison

By: Sherry Peel Jackson

ISBN: 9781624194047

Trina Price a devout Christian  women, educated, married with  two children begins a day at work which turns out to be the beginning of a journey that will change the lives of herself and her family's forever. As she and her co-workers prepare for what they thought would be a routine meeting instead reverted to several FBI agents storming in the door with guns, barking orders and shutting down her place of employment. After being shut down for a few days Trina and her husband was enjoying and intimate moment when they heard a very loud knock at the door. Upon answering the door, a federal agent was there with a warrant for Trina's arrest. Confused as to what was going on. Later they came to find out that she had been indited for fraud. The Author tells the true story, using fictional characters of her journey through the judicial system, how she was falsely accused, wrongly convicted and immediately sent to prison. She detailed how prison life was for her and other inmates that she came across through her journey, male and female.

This is a must read for all. It was heart wrenching. It showed how her faith in God was how her and her husband was able to get through this ordeal. She had her good day and she had her bad days but  the prayer was a major part of her coping mechanism.  

The author has also written another book entitled "Questions people ask about prison life: Answers from a former political prisoner.


  1. Hi Marla ~ what an interesting story. I am a little confused though, is this a true story of the author going to prison with some names changed "to protect the innocent" or is it just a "tale" loosely based on the author's experiences as an inmate? At any rate, the novel does sound like an excellent choice to read and I am adding it to my list of reads. Thank you for bringing this book to my attention. Lovely annotation ~

  2. Yes it is a true story. She changed the names. Do read it and share with me if you don't mind, even if its after this class. I would like to know what you thought. I just really enjoyed it.

  3. I know it says it is a Christian woman's journey, but do you feel it could be in the Christian or inspirational section of the library. It sounds like it could possibly be one of those books that can go into more than one genre.

  4. I know it says it is a Christian woman's journey, but do you feel it could be in the Christian or inspirational section of the library. It sounds like it could possibly be one of those books that can go into more than one genre.

  5. It probably could be classified in other genres. It displays how she let her faith in God give her the strength to endure her imprisonment.
