The appeal factors can be
used to choose a good book to read or can be used as part of an RA interview to
assist a patron find a good book. Appeal factors is comprised of pacing,
characterization, story line and frame of a book. Basically appeal factors is
how well a book is written or is it written in the style and manner a person prefer.
Personally I don’t feel that the change in medium affects the appeal factor at
all. EBook, audiobook or print, the same book will have the same appeal
factors. Now I do feel that there are personal preferences to be considered
when deciding which medium is preferred over the other. I will always love a
printed copy of a book over all. I can remember walking into a book store with
my girlfriend on day and I began sniffing as if I had just walked into a
kitchen where some good food was cooking. I stated to her, “oh the wonderful
smell of new books”; she just looked at me, laughed and said “you are crazy”. I
just laughed. I love curling up in my recliner with my cup of tea or glass of
wine, holding a book. I can just be there all day and night. I can do the same
with an EBook but the time is limited in which I can actually read because my
eyes seem to get watery and tired. I do own a Nook. I think that it was the
best think created for traveling purposes. EBook devices allow traveling with
three or more books easy now. Everything is compressed on an easy, compact, lightweight
devices. EBooks and printed books has its pros and cons. Depending on the situation,
occasion, and preference at the time will determine which medium I will choose
but print is my overall choice. Audio books has never been my choice. I have always
wanted to be the voice on an audio book but never could listen to them. I
really wanted to read a book entitled “Soulmate dissipate” by Mary B. Morrison.
It is the first book in her series and our library only had it on audiobook. I
checked it out and attempted to listen to it on four different occasions and
just could not do it. I feel asleep, began doing other things while it was on;
it just could not hold my attention. I went and bought the printed copy and
finished reading it in two days.
I feel that it is all
personal preferences, EBook, print or Audio book. The medium choice does not affect the appeal
factor in my opinion.
I don't generally listen to audio books. I try to listen to music before bed and it ends up putting me to sleep. I feel like most audio books would probably also put me to sleep. I could see myself spacing out and missing entire sections. I would probably have to read along with the audio book in order to really pay attention. It just seems quicker to read the book!